Newsletter no 214, August 2024

I don’t believe it until . . . .

My publishers tell me that I have just had my 89th book published. It appeared, so they say, on July 2nd and my agent tells me that yes, the money is in the bank . . . and so it is.

The problem is that I haven’t been sent any free copies and so I DON’T           BELIEVE IT! Well, of course I believe it in my head, but until I actually get the copies in my hand I DON’T BELIEVE IT’S HAPPENED! You do see what I mean, don’t you? It’s not real till you can touch it. I know what the cover is going to be like because we settled on that months ago. We have Bruno, the guard dog, in a room which screams Stately Home, and very fine it looks, too.

As to the plot of this book? It’s titled FALSE WITNESS and it picks up where FALSE NAME left off, with the once nameless orphan boy taking over the almost bankrupt stately home in spite of all that his family can do to prevent him doing so. There he is, with his wife Polly and their nine-month old boy, and what a lot of problems there are to be dealt with! Not least, someone is trying to kill him, again. Bea Abbot rides to the rescue once more, and has a fine old time sorting the true from the false.

In the meantime, I’ve been getting on with the next Bea story, FALSE GOLD, which I have to deliver next month, and I can tell you that’s going to be a bit tight. This is mostly my own fault because when people ask me for a story I try to oblige.           This time I was asked to write a long short story about a jewel, which will go into an e-book of other stories written by American Christian writers later in the year. Writing this reminded me of my own family history involving Huguenots and lace-making, and of how hand-made work became taken over by machines. I’ll tell you more about that nearer publication time.

There’s another cat story coming out for the choir’s concert last month, which means you can read it here. It’s called THE VISITOR, who has some very strange ideas about cats needing plant based food . . . which does not go down well with Max!

. . . and talking of Joffe . . .

they were happy bringing out the first five Bea Abbot books in a slip case, and brought out the next five on Sunday 28th July, also in a slip-case. Not to be outdone, the next Ellie, MURDER IN TIME came out on Monday, 29th July. Details here, and more to come.

Apologies from the Owlets – they are enjoying themselves on holiday but I still can’t get my camera to work and the buses have been diverted locally so I can’t get it to someone who can help. Hopefully we’ll be back to normal next month.

A blessing on all who notice when other people are a bit ‘down’ and are able to spend some time with them. Which really does help. I call it the Ministry of Presence.

Veronica Heley