Newsletter no. 189, July 2022

Something to make you laugh. A friend was on holiday and needed to visit the loo in the middle of a church service. Quietly she made her exit from the congregation and followed the sign to the disabled people’s loo. Opening the door, she couldn’t find the light switch. But, lo and behold, there was a cord hanging down, which surely would have the desired result of turning on the light. So she pulled . . . and the alarm bell rang out throughout the church building . . . in the middle of the service . . . and she didn’t know how to turn it off! She was rescued in due course and shown how to switch the light on, but it’s going to be some time before she recovers from that little adventure.

Work continues, with forays to water the pots in the garden, deal with an invasion of ants and an infestation of black fly on the runner beans. I find soapy water best for the black fly, but for the ants it’s a question of spraying with a mask on. And gritting one’s teeth as I clear up the resultant carnage. I don’t like killing creatures, but if it’s a question of my having food or not, then I get on with it. I must say, the roses this year have been spectacular, particularly the Paul’s Scarlet and the American Pillar, not to mention the pale pink Albertine.

I haven’t yet got the proofs of MURDER FOR PROFIT, although I’m being promised them for next week, so have been picking up the storyline of FALSE NAME and carrying on with it. This has been a difficult story to write, because I have to go over and over a particular event several times from different people’s point of view. For instance, one person might have observed what people were wearing while another wouldn’t have a clue. It is coming along, though slowly.

                  The next short story is: The Good Neighbour

This is another story set in lockdown when people were coping – or not coping – with the dreaded Zoom, and working out how to manage the changes that the pandemic brought to us. You can access it here.

                                                       Parsley & Posy

Small gardens are great in so many ways, but it’s difficult to keep some plants under control. I put in a plant which may be only six inches high, only to find that it’s grown to six feet high in a remarkably short space of time. These two roses were put in as tiny cuttings and look at them now! Parsley and Posy enjoying the sun. See them here.

A blessing on all those who share their cuttings and seedlings with other gardeners.    

Veronica Heley