Newsletter no 221, March 2025

Don’t you hate it when . . .

you’re sent a letter that hasn’t been properly stamped? The Post Office hold whatever-it-is to ransom, and you sit there wondering if it’s worth paying the fee demanded or not. Suppose it’s a piece of advertising? Suppose it’s something wrongly addressed? You take a deep breath and attempt to pay through some site which decides you’re an imbecile who shouldn’t be allowed on a completer, ever. Yes, I tried three times. I huffed and I puffed . . . and finally promised to allow myself a chocolate biscuit if I managed the task which, finally, I did. Was it worth it? Now I have to wait and see.

PS. Yes! The Post office finally delivered the envelope which had an out-of-date stamp on it, and it was the contract for the translation rights for Brazil for the first two Ellie Quicke books! So yes, it was worth the ransom.

Another book out!

The trade paperback of FALSE WITNESS is now published. This is the second in the series about a young accountant inheriting a rundown estate and stately home, with all the problems that this entails. Was it Machiavelli who advised his boss to kill not only his biggest enemy but all his children as well? Well, we don’t do that nowadays, do we? Or do we? History has multiple examples of defeated families rearing their children on stories of the injustices suffered by their parents. In this way they train the next generation to continue the fight. Well, it’s not as bad as that in FALSE WITNESS, but it is still true that ancient wrongs can still affect the future. ISBN 978 1448316328.

I’ve also got the publication date for the next book in the series, which is called FALSE GOLD. The hard back will be out on May . . . and of course I’m working on another story now. You remember I was moaning that I had too much plot ion this one? Oh dear, oh dear. I’m still tussling with the problem, but the path to the end will become clear soon . . . I hope.

My snowdrops made a poor show this year but I’m pleased to say that my tiny blue Irises are coming into flower. Now they really do herald spring. What’s more, my neighbour – a dedicated gardener – is planning to sow her tomato seeds this week. I am impressed, particularly as she usually gives me some plants to bring on in my greenhouse, hurray! There’s something about home grown tomatoes that makes me smile. They taste so different from bought ones, or those in tins.

Another short story!

This from the archives, is called NEW LIVES FOR OLD. Find it here.

A blessing on all who can be cheerful on misty, murky, miserable days when the sun declines to shine.

Veronica Heley

Newsletter no 220, February 2025

So what happens next?

I look for snowdrops in the garden but there are none. Mine are all of the later flowering variety. Every year I intend to buy some early varieties and every year I forget. However, I do have a sky blue iris unguicularis in flower, the yellow blooms of the winter jasmine are brilliant and I have some red amaryllis which lift my spirits every time I look at them. I must make a note to buy some early varieties of snowdrops, or I’ll be moaning about the same thing in another year’s time.

Work seemed to stop for everyone but me over the Christmas holidays. Contracts did not come through as expected, queries were not followed up. Everyone else in the whole wide world seemed to have had a fortnight off and return refreshed. Perhaps I ought to schedule a holiday for myself, too. Only, I really really need to write every day.

One of the problems was . . .

One I’ve met before. I have too much plot. Yes, I know! I do this a lot, don’t I? This last week I put in a new character, a Mrs Minchin, very upright and most helpful as a witness to as nasty hit and run involving Polly and little Pip. I put her in, and then I took her out. And then I had to put her back in again. Sigh . . . a writer’s life is not a happy one when this happens.

Another book out!

Joffe have brought out the last (for the time being) book in the Ellie Quicke series. This is MURDER FOR PROFIT, which came out on January 12th. This is the last of the Ellie Quickes for the time being, so make the most of it. Joffe are planning to bring out some collections later on but I don’t have a date as yet.

For a teaser, I’m including the first pages of this book instead of a short story. See it here. Joffe have suggested I ask for readers to put in an honest review of this book if they liked it, because they say it would help to get it known.

View my Amazon Author Page here.

I never know how this works, but I’m sure you do. I think I could probably benefit from some kind of course on all the things I should be able to do on the computer but don’t. Perhaps I should . . . after I’ve finished the next book, the next short story for Easter and of course, the next newsletter.

A blessing on farmers and shops who manage to get bunches of cut daffodils ready for sale at this time of the year. How I enjoy watching them come out!

Veronica Heley

Newsletter no 219, January 2025

Are we glad or sad to see the last of 2024?                                    

I’m pleased in some ways and sad in others. Some things have been very good. I have managed to keep going healthwise, only finding two more medications to which I have bad reactions, my stories both short and long seem to be still much in demand, my social life is busy and if I can’t run and leap around as I used to do, there is a lot to be said for moderating one’s pace on the way up the hill to the local shops.

I am sad that the run of my cosy books by Joffe is shortly coming to an end. (Murder-in-Law came out on December 18th and the last of that series, Murder for Profit, comes out on January 12th.) There will probably be more later on, but that’s all they can take for the time being. They are, however, planning to bring out some more collections at some point.

Now I have another contract to sign . . .          

Meanwhile, Severn House have been very busy with the copy edits and proofs for the next in the Bea Abbot series. This focuses on Julian, who unexpectedly inherits a failing stately home and a clutch of relatives who are not at all friendly. FALSE NAME and FALSE WITNESS are out and about already, shortly to be followed by still FALSE GOLD. Now I’m working on the fourth in this mini-series, FALSE RELATION, to be delivered next year. I can’t think beyond that. Or rather, I still have new stories weaving themselves into my head, but I must not allow myself to be distracted.

Meanwhile, short stories continue . . .

The Christmas and New Year edition of the Methodist Recorder has another story called ‘One for Sorrow,’ which is about a widow coming to terms with the loss of her family at Christmas time. Sad, but true to life. On a brighter note, I wrote another Max the Cat story called The Special Birthday for the choir concert and attach that here for your enjoyment.

What else? The garden is adapting to the change in the season. The pink viburnum tinis is in full flower and scent, and the winter jasmine is starred over with yellow blooms. There are bulbs pushing up here and there. How, may I ask, do I prevent the postman and all other delivery people from treading on the green shoots as they cross the flower bed between the pathway to my front door and my neighbours? (Suggestions on a post card, please.) Who uses post cards nowadays? Well, I have a wonderful friend who always sends me postcards when she goes abroad on holidays. How about that!

A blessing on all those who still send Christmas, New Year and Birthday cards! And a blessing on those whose names we cross off our address book each year.             

Veronica Heley

Newsletter no 218, December 2024

                       Back to work!

It’s been a strange month. I was working on too many different projects at once. I started on the edits for FALSE GOLD, only to remember that I had to deliver a short story to the Methodist Recorder NOW! And complete another about Max, the cat for the choir concert . . . and what about the new book that I’d just started? I’d got as far as chapter three, and the storyline was running through my head all the time . . . bit I had to attend to the copy-edits on FALSE GOLD first and . . . and . . .

You see the problem. I go from one to the other and then remember I have to do another newsletter and . . .! At which point I retire for a cuppa and some chocolate. And oh dear, the biscuit tin is empty! Tragedy!

                                             So I took a morning off . . .

. . . to attend the Christmas show put on by the Nursery at our church. There are Christmassy songs, of course. but also a really rather wonderful version of the Christmas story, with lots of angels and sheep and a bossy Joseph and a beautiful Mary and a Wise Man who loved his costume but ran off when it was his turn to give his present to Mary and Joseph, and a donkey who was too shy to say ‘Eeeyaw!’, and kept her head down all the time. Well, she was only three years old.

The children sang songs to illustrate the action and we, the invited guests, clapped and cheered and I must confess it was so heartfelt that I had to wipe away a tear or two. This was a dress rehearsal, you see, for which the Nursery invite a few people from the church to accustom the children to being before an audience.

                              Before getting back to work . . .

Joffe brought out MURDER FOR GOOD, which is number 20 in the Ellie Quicke series. Picture attached. And what can I find for a short story for you to read? How about RACHEL HAD A GARDEN? My own garden is very much on my mind as I clear up all the fallen leaves and cut down the herbaceous plants. But Rachel would understand. Read it here.

Now I must get back to the computer to finish off the Christmas story for the Recorder and the Max one for the choir concert . . . and deal with the copy editor’s last queries . . . and then, finally, get on with the next Bea Abbot story, FALSE RELATION.

A blessing on all who are still able to send Christmas cards (in spite of the hike in the cost of postage). And a second blessing for those no longer able to do so.

Veronica Heley

Newsletter no 217, November 2024

Let us Celebrate!

On Wednesday, October 16th, I achieved a very special day . . . not another birthday because           that had come and gone . . . but fifty years of being published in the traditional way. The very first was called SUE FOR MERCY, published by Robert Hale. Incredibly, it is now once more available through Lume Books, who are now part of Joffe and doing very well indeed.

Mine has been quite a journey through early crime and romance stories through years of writing for children, and then . . . the Ellie Quicke series was born, to be followed some years later by Bea Abbot.

So we had a party, and not only friends but also two of my lovely publishers came and raised a glass and ate some delicious food. We only had one speech which was from me, and I kept it short. ‘I’ve had 89 books published traditionally, with 12 different publishers. There are also 65 short stories, 217 newsletters and three agents.’ Cue for light applause. And apparently I am to continue writing . . .

Strangely enough, Joffe were bringing out MURDER FOR NOTHING on the very day of the party, having brought out MURDER BY SUGGESTION on 6th October. I’ll try to find the covers for these so that you can see what they look like…

What happens next?

Meanwhile, Severn House have said they like my idea for the next Bea Abbot story while the last one I submitted – FALSE GOLD – goes through the usual processes of copy-editing and proof-reading, preparing for publication next year. Their next question is; ‘When can you deliver?’ And I say, ‘Please, sir; remember my grey hairs. I need to slow down!’ So any day now, I’ll start up the computer and type in ‘Chapter One’ of FALSE RELATION.

Another short story for you. ‘DEATH BY CHOCOLATE’ is a very early Ellie Quicke, which I thought might amuse you. Read it here.

The anthology from a number of Christian Writers –THE JEWELLER’S HEART – is now available. My story, called ‘This Will Keep You Safe’, was based on my own family history involving Huguenots and lace-making, and of how hand-made work became taken over by machines. Details here.

A blessing on all who recommend my books to others!

Veronica Heley

Newsletter no 216, October 2024

Waiting Is Hard . . .

September was a strange month since lots of people were still on holiday. I didn’t go away and managed to finish and deliver all of the following:

The next Bea Abbot story – FALSE GOLD – was sent off to Severn House and I’ve just heard they like it and wham! The copy edits landed on my desk! That’s me taken care of for the next ten days or so. This continues the story as Bea helps Julian – who’d unexpectedly inherited the rundown stately home – to rescue the place. They are impeded by an unhelpful estate manager and the death of a John Doe.

I woke at 3 in the morning with an idea for a follow-up story, which I’m calling FALSE RELATION. I’ve already started roughing out the first chapter. Noting that this would be the fourth story set in Marston Hall, after FALSE NAME, FALSE WITNESS, and FALSE GOLD, I thought you might like to read the first chapter of FALSE NAME and hopefully get hooked on the series. Attached herewith.

Next my short story ‘Be Not Afraid. . .’ has been published in the Methodist Recorder and another, called ‘This Will Keep You Safe,’ came out in THE JEWELLER’S HEART, an anthology written by members of the Christian Writers. This latter tale was based on my own family history involving Huguenots and lace-making, and of how hand-made work became taken over by machines. Details here on Amazon.

Covers I have known . . .    

Some are delightful, others don’t have much relation to the story. I cherish the memory of one which featured a Scottie dog, as there wasn’t one in the story! Cats are a different matter. I am definitely a cat person and now there’s a cat on the covers of all the Bea Abbot and Ellie Quicke stories which are being brought out by Joffe for Amazon. MURDER IN STYLE came out on September 22nd . Joffe also brought out a slip-case containing five Bea Abbot stories on September 29th. Both feature the family’s cats, one ginger and one black. See these two covers here.

That being said, I have to admit that the covers of FALSE NAME and FALSE WITNESS feature Bruno, an Alsatian who plays a big role in both stories.

A blessing on all the health professionals who work hard to alleviate our problems as we age.

Veronica Heley

Newsletter no 215, September 2024

It’s too hot to write . . .

But I have deadlines to meet, so I switch the fan on, I arm myself with peppermints and promise myself a short break after an hour. This would work reasonably well if it weren’t for the proliferation of emails in my Inbox, which are clearly much more interesting than anything I’m supposed to be doing. Well, that’s what I tell myself until I realise I’ve let a whole morning go by and not touched my story!

So back to the edit which had to be in by the end of August. I like to write a story from the beginning straight through to the end, reviewing each day’s work at the start of the next day. I have a tendency to start new bits of plot and then have to cut them out a day or two on. Once through to the end, I set the work aside for a few days before the next run through, which sorts out the bits that don’t work or that I haven’t explained properly. Once that’s done, I need to go back at least once more to make sure that I haven’t taken out too much or, on the other hand, have left in bits I no longer need. I did send the manuscript in time. Just. And now wait to hear what my editor thinks of it.

Meanwhile, the hardback of FALSE WITNESS is out and about, and available through libraries as well as bookshops. The wonder dog, Bruno, is on the cover and very fine he looks too. I usually have a cat creep into my heroines’ lives, but for some reason I haven’t yet located one at Marston Hall. Only several dogs. (Yes, I know: there must be some cats, I just haven’t found them yet. I must look in the stables! ) The story continues as Bea helps Julian to work out the future of Marston Hall, impeded by an unhelpful estate manager and the death of a John Doe.

It’s only recently that I discovered St Michael is the patron saint of so many organisations, and I’m happy to give him full credit in the attached short story, MICHAELMAS, which you can read here.

The novelists of Chi Libris have published a collection of sparkling short stories about various jewels titled The Jeweller’s Heart, which came out on Amazon on September lst. My story is called ‘This Will Keep You Safe,’ based on my own family history involving Huguenots and lace-making, and of how hand-made work became taken over by machines. Details here.

. . .meanwhile, Joffe have been busy . . .

Dates seem to have shifted but Ellie Quicke’s MURDER IN TIME came out on August 2nd, and MURDER BY SUSPICION on the l8th. There will be a slipcase with the third lot of Bea Abbot stories out at the end of September, and MURDER IN STYLE (Ellie) on September 22nd. And then we start thinking of October releases . . .

View my latest releases here, on Amazon.

A blessing on all who those who have the patience and good humour to look and admire other people’s holiday photos.

Veronica Heley

Newsletter no 214, August 2024

I don’t believe it until . . . .

My publishers tell me that I have just had my 89th book published. It appeared, so they say, on July 2nd and my agent tells me that yes, the money is in the bank . . . and so it is.

The problem is that I haven’t been sent any free copies and so I DON’T           BELIEVE IT! Well, of course I believe it in my head, but until I actually get the copies in my hand I DON’T BELIEVE IT’S HAPPENED! You do see what I mean, don’t you? It’s not real till you can touch it. I know what the cover is going to be like because we settled on that months ago. We have Bruno, the guard dog, in a room which screams Stately Home, and very fine it looks, too.

As to the plot of this book? It’s titled FALSE WITNESS and it picks up where FALSE NAME left off, with the once nameless orphan boy taking over the almost bankrupt stately home in spite of all that his family can do to prevent him doing so. There he is, with his wife Polly and their nine-month old boy, and what a lot of problems there are to be dealt with! Not least, someone is trying to kill him, again. Bea Abbot rides to the rescue once more, and has a fine old time sorting the true from the false.

In the meantime, I’ve been getting on with the next Bea story, FALSE GOLD, which I have to deliver next month, and I can tell you that’s going to be a bit tight. This is mostly my own fault because when people ask me for a story I try to oblige.           This time I was asked to write a long short story about a jewel, which will go into an e-book of other stories written by American Christian writers later in the year. Writing this reminded me of my own family history involving Huguenots and lace-making, and of how hand-made work became taken over by machines. I’ll tell you more about that nearer publication time.

There’s another cat story coming out for the choir’s concert last month, which means you can read it here. It’s called THE VISITOR, who has some very strange ideas about cats needing plant based food . . . which does not go down well with Max!

. . . and talking of Joffe . . .

they were happy bringing out the first five Bea Abbot books in a slip case, and brought out the next five on Sunday 28th July, also in a slip-case. Not to be outdone, the next Ellie, MURDER IN TIME came out on Monday, 29th July. Details here, and more to come.

Apologies from the Owlets – they are enjoying themselves on holiday but I still can’t get my camera to work and the buses have been diverted locally so I can’t get it to someone who can help. Hopefully we’ll be back to normal next month.

A blessing on all who notice when other people are a bit ‘down’ and are able to spend some time with them. Which really does help. I call it the Ministry of Presence.

Veronica Heley

Newsletter no 213, July 2024

Another milestone has just been passed . . .    

I have just had my ninety-first birthday and am now officially in my ninety-second years. Last month I signed a contract for my ninetieth book, and this October I will have been getting published traditionally for fifty years.

Yes, I’m boasting. A bit. Well, quite a lot, really. It’s quite something to look back on. When I first started, I hardly thought I’d be still writing in my nineties, and I must admit that I am slowly down somewhat.

My editors over the years will tell you that every once in a while I will start screaming and gnashing my teeth because I HAVE TOO MUCH PLOT! I have heard of other writers turning to AI for suggestions when they’ve got stuck in a tricky situation, but praise be! I don’t have that problem. Well, I haven’t had it yet. Maybe it will arrive in the next book and I will then have to tell myself that Pride Goes Before a Fall.

All of which means that I was faced with having to cut this and that out of the storyline in FALSE GOLD. If I hadn’t, I would have had to take another ten thousand words or so, in order to sort the plot out, and I’m up to my limit already. So out goes she. Perhaps I can use that idea in the next book. Or the one after. If I’m still writing by then.

So yes, I’m on track for this book, and telling myself that if Jo March in LITTLE WOMEN could sacrifice redundant words, then so can I.

 . . . and talking of nice things happening . . .

Joffe books are now bringing out more of the Bea Abbot books, five at a time in a slip-case! They did nicely with the first five stories and want to carry on. The cover looks delightful but as usual I have a query about it . . . which they will be kind enough to sort out/tell me not to be silly/and usually to compromise in graceful fashion. They don’t seem to mind my making suggestions which is really nice of them.        

So as I’ve temporarily run out of short stories, I attach a few pages of FALSE ALARM which is going to go into the next lot of Bea Abbot’s in a slipcase. Oh, and they’re planning to start again with the Ellie Quicke stories soon.  

As for the Owlets, they’re on holiday . . . vanished into the undergrowth. Alas! Actually I think my camera needs new batteries. I must look into that when I have a minute.

A blessing on all who can look on the bright side even when the rain pours down and the winds blow chill, and the news is depressing. A good laugh is good for the digestion and one’s mental health, isn’t it?

Veronica Heley

Newsletter no 212, June 2024

I have just signed another contract . . .

This time it’s the book I’ve been working on for some months already, which is FALSE GOLD. The delivery date is to be August, which is sort of all right by me. As you know, I do like to go over and over and over the text, making sure as far as possible, that I haven’t made any crashing mistakes/typos/grammatical errors. One of my biggest problems nowadays is an inability to read small print. When I go to the library and pick up a book by an author I like, I open it up at any old page, see a page full of text in tiny print and return the book to the shelf.

I’ve tried reading glasses and magnifying glasses and one of those pieces of plastic which you can put over a sheet of paper which is supposed to make the text larger. I can’t say that they help much. Reading glasses; yes. But then you look up and the room has gone all fuzzy around you, so you take them off. Then you pick up the newspaper and start looking for your glasses . . .

Paperbacks are usually printed in a small font size. This is understandable as it keeps the cost down but renders them hard to read. Plenty of space on the page, and I’m reasonably happy. Large print books are great, but there aren’t enough titles of the authors I like. I’ve brought this up for a reason. My books used to be 85,000 words long. The new contract says I must cut this down to 80,000 which means the books will still be in a large enough print for me to read with glasses.

So how did I resolve the problem of including a short story in this newsletter? The best result was the first chapter of the very first Ellie Quicke – MURDER AT THE ALTAR – which you can find here. Enjoy!

More stories from Joffe . . .  

On May 12th Joffe brought out MURDER IN MIND, and on the 27th it was MURDER WITH MERCY. If I can make it work, I’ll attach a cover of the latest. Also, an innovation: Joffe brought out five (Yes, five!) of the first stories in the Bea Abbot series on May 26th in a boxed set. A brilliant buy, if I may say so.

Click here for these Joffe issued books and more.

Still available: the story of how some Christian writers got started in their career. You can find it in MY FIRST NOVEL . . . details to be found here.

As for the Owlets, Awol is still trying to get them to leave the house. He got his Mum to climb the ‘stairs’ to look outside and the others are following. Slowly. See them here.

A blessing on all who can talk about anything except their health. And another blessing on those who can listen to people talking about their health.

Veronica Heley