Newsletter no 215, September 2024

It’s too hot to write . . .

But I have deadlines to meet, so I switch the fan on, I arm myself with peppermints and promise myself a short break after an hour. This would work reasonably well if it weren’t for the proliferation of emails in my Inbox, which are clearly much more interesting than anything I’m supposed to be doing. Well, that’s what I tell myself until I realise I’ve let a whole morning go by and not touched my story!

So back to the edit which had to be in by the end of August. I like to write a story from the beginning straight through to the end, reviewing each day’s work at the start of the next day. I have a tendency to start new bits of plot and then have to cut them out a day or two on. Once through to the end, I set the work aside for a few days before the next run through, which sorts out the bits that don’t work or that I haven’t explained properly. Once that’s done, I need to go back at least once more to make sure that I haven’t taken out too much or, on the other hand, have left in bits I no longer need. I did send the manuscript in time. Just. And now wait to hear what my editor thinks of it.

Meanwhile, the hardback of FALSE WITNESS is out and about, and available through libraries as well as bookshops. The wonder dog, Bruno, is on the cover and very fine he looks too. I usually have a cat creep into my heroines’ lives, but for some reason I haven’t yet located one at Marston Hall. Only several dogs. (Yes, I know: there must be some cats, I just haven’t found them yet. I must look in the stables! ) The story continues as Bea helps Julian to work out the future of Marston Hall, impeded by an unhelpful estate manager and the death of a John Doe.

It’s only recently that I discovered St Michael is the patron saint of so many organisations, and I’m happy to give him full credit in the attached short story, MICHAELMAS, which you can read here.

The novelists of Chi Libris have published a collection of sparkling short stories about various jewels titled The Jeweller’s Heart, which came out on Amazon on September lst. My story is called ‘This Will Keep You Safe,’ based on my own family history involving Huguenots and lace-making, and of how hand-made work became taken over by machines. Details here.

. . .meanwhile, Joffe have been busy . . .

Dates seem to have shifted but Ellie Quicke’s MURDER IN TIME came out on August 2nd, and MURDER BY SUSPICION on the l8th. There will be a slipcase with the third lot of Bea Abbot stories out at the end of September, and MURDER IN STYLE (Ellie) on September 22nd. And then we start thinking of October releases . . .

View my latest releases here, on Amazon.

A blessing on all who those who have the patience and good humour to look and admire other people’s holiday photos.

Veronica Heley